[california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

@woodrowcall The gig workers and independent contractors we're automatically paid because it was pandemic unemployment. Most everyone else whether COVID applied to them or not needed to confirm either way to be paid..
@joseppi I agree there is way too many posts but it is seriously utter BS that phase 1 people have payment information and they just got their payments. Phase 2 people (I am phase 2) have no payment information and it looks it might be most of us have to wait till we certify for our 2 week benefit payment to get at least one LWA payment. For many of us phase 2 people we certified on Sunday 09.12. Why should we have to wait? Many of us either were laid off when the Californian economy shut down or were laid off before COVID, but the majority of us are still unemployed due to COVID.

Too bad a question couldn't be locked and limited to each state but than comments divided up based on similar comments.

Sending all many blessings. I hope each of you get back to work as soon as you want to.

I was laid off in October 2019 (obviously for reasons unrelated to COVID) and had to appeal my decision because my identity couldn't be verified. I started receiving my UI benefits in late January/early February. I was supposed to go to back to work in mid March, but the job offer was rescinded because of COVID. I have on my 3rd extension which is the federal extension. I remain unemployed due to COVID.
@mechtild For the payment to be delayed until certification date IN MY OPINION (not yelling at you just emphasizing this is of course just my opinion) , i don’t think will be the case. Just going off of phase one payments , it didn’t appear that certification had anything to do with WHEN payments were received.. it only dictated how much and the amount they dispersed at once. Phase one received their payments random days of the week .
@joseppi I didn't even think you were yelling at me :)

We all are stressed out and I get that. I can see the rationale in your comment to me but am just disgusted that we are not getting payment information. I know that a lot of us would be happy with even a general idea of when.
@joseppi There's a lot of redundant posts lately, majority of which do not use the search or read through threads. They just want an instant answer to their question but a little digging around will help.
@joseppi That's the problem with "forums". It can only be reduced with meticulous use of pinned threads (with daily updates) and use of the FAQ.

Reduced, but not solved. There will always be somebody that thinks they need to start a new post that is actually unnecessary and even detrimental.
@joseppi I totally get it and I am willing to chill In order to not clog up the sub with the same questions but I really feel like people have reached their ropes end and this is complete and utter BS that we have had to wait this long for BACK PAYMENTS !!!!!!
@barlean I agree and I feel you I’m at extremely stressed about it too, just really hoping there is a press release tomorrow and that it gives decent updates on phase 2

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