[CALIFORNIA] It’s Gonna Be Ok!


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It’s gonna be ok!!

I certified in 9/6 and received regular benefits. I just checked and claims from 8/1 & 8/8 have been adjusted to reflect the extra $300. I know a lot of us have been incredibly stressed and budgets are bordering on nonexistent. If you see someone asking a question that has been asked 1000 times just be nice and connect. One of the hardest side effects of this pandemic has been fearing the unknown and a little reassurance can seriously go a long way. If you need help, reach out. Someone will reach back. It’s gonna be ok. Also- if anyone in San Diego needs cat food I have like 6 boxes my felines refuse to eat so feel free to send a message!
@buckley73 Hello, I see a lot of post from people waiting to be notified and then worrying because they have not yet received a "notification" in regards to receiving the $300 payments. I hope to ease your stress and worry by submitting this bit of info. In California, you won't get a "notice" per say about the $300.00 from the EDD when it is added. You just need to keep checking your claim history. It will not show up as a recent payment. You must go back to your previous claims history from last month starting with August 1st. (it could be a different date, depending on when you certified for that week).When it does get paid in your account, the $300 payments will show up as adjustments on those claims for which you already certified each week last month. So just keep checking each weeks "details" from your last month's claim history . Hope this helps for those that are unaware of this info and you will not be stressing over a notification from EDD that will never come to let you know they added the $300. You will however receive a notification from BofA when it gets deposited onto your debit card if you have your BofA account setup to receive such notifications. And also, your current certifications for this month have no impact on the $300 payments for each week last month. You would have already certified for them, that is why they are added as adjustments in last month's claim history. The exception to this of course would be if you are just now having your claim processed through and you are having to certify for back weeks.
@resjudicata It should be in your BofA account within the next 4 hours if the payment adjustment shows today's date. I have only had 1 $300 paid adjustment thus far. It was for the week of 08/01. The adjustment showed up yesterday 09/07, and around about midnight last night received message from BofA that the deposit was made. So hopefully yours will show up pretty quick.
@mastruselyus Thank you so much! I just checked and I have 2 weeks adjusted for the extra $300🙏🏼Just to clarify, they are rolling out the payments for each individual person in batches right? Like just because I’ve only gotten payment for 2 weeks, and you’ve only gotten payment for 1 as of today, that doesn’t mean that’s somehow all we’re qualified for as opposed to the 5 weeks approved through LWA, right? (Which even if this was the extent of it, I’m still more than happy with any extra help in these stress-filled times, but still, it’d be nice to know lol)
@mastruselyus Not true for those who didn’t select covid on application. Spoke to edd rep today and must wait for an email to select covid to get the $300. The $300 will not just automatically be added for those of us waiting to select covid.
@corta Thank you for pointing out my oversite. My apologies for not including info for those who still need to choose covid as reason before they are eligible to receive $300. The info in my comments I posted was pertaining specific to those who have already been deemed covid 19 eligible on their claims. I should have clarified that. Thank you for your helpful added input
@medellinheel I spoke to an edd rep and she kept telling me to look out for a email on or after September 15th and there is nothing anyone at edd can see or do about LWA. Said LWA program is self implemented and either you selected covid or you didn’t and must wait.
@mastruselyus Thank you!! You literally answered every question I had!! 👍🏼✌🏼
Got the 300 for weeks 8/1-8/8. I filed regular ui March 16th.

Certified 9/6
Update: I got paid the 600. Transferred to my bank account last night.( I get email alerts.)

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