[California] I got a job. Somehow. What do I do for my unemployment until I start it?


New member
I’ve been given a job offer and I’ve completed their onboarding process but I won’t start until the 28th. If I tell them I got a job but haven’t worked, will they still give me the backpay? Should I continue putting in job applications just to show I have been looking, even if I have a job that starts in a week-ish? I wanna make sure I don’t eff this up because rent is coming due VEEEEERY soon and my light bill was higher than usual. Any advice is appreciated!
@confusedsoul369 You don’t do anything. I got a job and I start on the 21st. It lines up perfectly with my certification. So I’ll certify on the 20th b/c I didn’t have a job for the 2 weeks I’m certifying for and then I won’t certify on Oct 4th b/c I’m no longer unemployed.
@confusedsoul369 No matter what, do not stop your certifications. When you certify... just report your earnings when you start working, and then the EDD website will do its work to determine if you're still eligible for benefits or not

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