[California]HR moving me from payroll A to payroll B. Both will be out of business in less than 3 months


New member
The place Ive worked at for two years now is going out of business in about three months or less. They have several LLCs under one roof that will all be shutting down.

Today HR said they will be moving me from payroll of LLC (A) over to payroll of LLC (B). By doing this will I still qualify for unemployment if I've only been at LLC (B) for less than 3 months? (Technically under a new employer because HR informed me that two separate W2 forms will be issued due to this move) I'm just not sure if unemployment looks at your overall income of all your "employers" over a time period or if it's based on your last employer?

TLDR: Company is going under in less than 3 months. HR is moving me from payroll A to payroll B. Will I still qualify for unemployment with less than 3 months under payroll B?
@dalegm Yes. If you’re laid off before the 3mth period at a new job…your unemployment claim is based on your previous employer and what you made there. Unemployment is determined by quarters earned…not necessarily how long you worked with each employer.
@kevo Thank you for this answer. Had some info that pointed to this but it helped to hear it again and be reassured since I needed to confirm the payroll switch this morning asap.
@dalegm All of your base period employers are considered, so it should not matter at all. EDD benefits suck, so start job hunting now! Good Luck to you.
@kaiser123 Suck how? I've never used it before and have heard it takes about a month before your benefits kick in after applying. Don't plan to rely on whatever they give for very long but it's something I want to have in case I haven't found something by the time I'm laid off.

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