[California] How do I report my hourly if I make tips?


New member
Hello, I am in the process of doing UI after getting let go from my job at this nightclub. I was encouraged by my HR to file for one as her offboarding email gave me a booklet about the process. However, since I work at a nightclub, I get tips on top of my 15 dollar hourly.

I live in California btw.

When the application calls for me to input my hourly, do I just put in 15?

Some of my collegeaues suggest that since we get tips, we divide the total wage earned that week with the hours you've worked. The problem is that since its tips, the hourly is all over the place.

So lets say I work 3 days for a total of 20 hours for 15 dollars an hour. Of the 3 days, 2 of those days I often get tipped out for as low as 200 to as high as 350.

So 20 x 15 = 300

average of 250 tips x 2 = 500

$800 weekly wage / 20 hours = 40.

So I input 40 dollars an hour?

I'm confused as to which is the right awnser.
@holoman If this is just the initial application then it just asks for quarterly income and it's optional. Where do you see the hourly wage question?
@holoman When you apply, then you can just put your base pay because the state computes your weekly benefit amount based on your past wages.

If you are working PT and collecting, then you need to do your best to report anything you made, during the week you earned it.

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