[California] EDD $300 LWA Payments Explained


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Here's a good article EDD released today with good clarification on their plans to pay out 5 weeks of $300 LWA payments, including eligibility information and potential for the 6th week of payment. You can read the details here ...


Phase One​

  • Claimants who submitted their certification for all three of those weeks at the same time will receive one lump sum of $900 ($300/week x 3 weeks).
  • Claimants who did not submit their certification for all three of those weeks at the same time, the payments will be split in two due to normal bi-weekly payment cycles based on when you provided your certifications for the three weeks of benefits.
    • Those with the weeks ending August 1st and 8th in the same two-week cycle will receive a $600 payment first followed a few days later by the remaining $300 for August 15th.
    • Those with the week ending date of August 1st on the second half of their two-week cycle will receive $300 first and the other $600 should arrive a few days later for the weeks ending August 8th and 15th.
  • Claimants that were not paid for one or two weeks of the initial three week period due to excessive earnings, fully employed, or disqualified will only receive LWA payments for weeks paid.
EDD said the first phase of payments is set to be completed in the "next couple of weeks."

Phase Two​

People in phase two, who still need to verify that their unemployment is related to the coronavirus pandemic, will need to wait until September 15. Starting on that date, EDD will start accepting self-attestations from people who otherwise qualify for the LWA payments.

EDD said it will also send notifications to people in phase two by email, text message, or mail.

For people in the second phase, EDD recommends they log onto their UI Online account and complete the one-time self-attestation. Self-attestation by paper is also available.

[Read the full article for details on Eligibility and additional LWA weeks.]
@willyjoejimbob According to this I am Phase one. I certified both weeks ending in Aug 1 and August 8, at the same time. I only received my regular benefit amount. Are there still other people who are phase 1 that have yet to receive LWA funds?
@lovebooks Sorry guys, I’m also PUA and certified the 1 and 8th. I got my claim activity changed on Wednesday and payed yesterday 600$. I’m sorry it’s taking so long for you guys but I really do believe it’s coming. I know it sucks because we all have bills to pay and this system of payment really isn’t working out very good.
@radiotint Hi I’m from CA too. How did you get the notification that you got paid the extra $300? I didn’t get any notification at all. I checked the EDD debit card balance and it doesn’t show anything. I just submitted my two week certification today Sep13 and checked the Claim Information - it still shows only the base unemployment benefit and no $300 per week. I’ve been receiving unemployment since late May.

Thank you.
@wsmasri As far as I know, all my info is up to date, I filed all the dates required and haven’t received anything other then the base pay. My last name starts with G 😩🤦🏻‍♂️
@truesearch Ok.... I JUST checked the EDD Portal online and just noticed there is an LWA self certification. That indicates you HAVE to self certify that your job loss is COVID-related to get the extra $300- that was a stipulation added by Trump. I want to be honest and I’m not eligible for it in that case ☹️

But anyway I suppose you did self-certify to get yours as EDD would NOT automatically send it to you.
@wsmasri Dude, yes you are! Even if you you weren't originally let go because of Covid (I actually got fired from Macy's in November and was fighting with EDD until March when the pandemic hit) so we have to say that we are currently unemployed OR were unemployed during the time they listed, in order to receive an LWA.
@ka7 Thanks. I did my homework and looked for the FEMA document - and found the following nugget of information (Page 7 of the document).

Q: Pandemic Unemployment Assistance allows an otherwise eligible individual to be covered if he or she is unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work because of a listed COVID-19 related reason in the CARES Act. For supplemental lost wages assistance, must the individual’s job separation be directly related to COVID-19?

A: No, the most recent job separation does not need to be directly related to COVID-19. At the time of self-
certification for the program, the individual must be unemployed or partially unemployed due to disruptions caused by COVID-19.

Btw the FEMA doc link is here . The info i pasted above is on Page 7
@wsmasri Same with me. I just received my regular deposit without the extra back pay. I hope it comes soon. Today is the 13th of September. I thought for sure it would have been deposited by now.
@lovebooks Where do you live? Just curious. Totally not gonna rob you.

I do have a dildo and intend to use it if you don’t give me all your unemploymentssez, and all your base are belong to us.




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