[CALIFORNIA] Claim Balance 0 & Max Benefits Paid

@phoenix4ever be sure to follow up with them, don't wait for your EDD profile to update. If you don't get the extension, you won't receive the notice for at least 9 weeks in the mail. Don't make the mistake I did by checking online everyday, from 9/30/2020, the day of my last EDD payment, until I received a rejection letter on 11/27/2020 along with a notice to appeal. I lost 2 months because EDD took 9 weeks to notify me I wasn't approved. Once you're in appeal process you're screwed, my appeal hearing isn't until May so does me no good for my financial need now. Homeless for first time in my life now.
@amotz What! This cannot happen! They can't do that to you! And what about the people (like me) who call them all day everyday and NEVER get through to anyone? It always says they're receiving too many phone calls and to call back later and i get hung up on! How is everyone in this forum commenting getting through to a live agent!?
@glprice90 It's possible to get through but you have to call at exactly 8:00am using 2 phones (google voice numbers) and be persistent. I stagger the calls 90 seconds apart. If one doesn't go through, immediately call back. This strategy has worked 100% of the time with limited wait time. Hope that helps.
@phoenix4ever That was what they said to me too basically. Except the lady I spoke to said i should get something in my inbox and mail between 24-48 hours and not to call back until after then. Im hoping this goes quickly..i was really depending on this certification today. The man i spoke to on the 11th said my extension would be automatic and wouldnt need to do anything. I thought things might go smoothly for once. 😔
@alfred3200 I got through to Tier 2 (3+ hour phone call)

Max Benefits Paid. Extension (PEUC) ran out 12/26/2020. No payments since 12/20/20 until 1/22/2021 when finally got paid for week ending 12/26/20.

Unable to certify after 12/26/2020

Did ID Verification via Docusign on 12/28. Then on instruction from Tier 2 I did it via ID.Me on 01/22/2021. Did not need Video Call.

RESOLUTION: Tier 2 "I am putting a request in for you to be placed onto the next extension. It should have occured automatically but we have many instances of that not happening. This will be a High Priority Manual Request and you will be placed on the next extension effective retroactively back to week beginning 12/27/20 through the present. It will take 2 to 5 Days for it to be done (closer to 2 days usually). At that time you will be able to certify and will be paid for all weeks you missed, at once"

That is where things are at currently on my case. Will be checking daily to see if new extension lands. Feel like I made significant progress. Does not surprise me that it takes a few days to do a manual extension. Time will tell.
@asola That is incredible and I’m very happy for you, I’m in the exact same situation, but when I called this morning, after being completely let down when I saw nothing had changed after the “maintenance”The prick that I got on the phone, tier 1, basically said they’re waiting on funds to be added to my claim and it usually takes 2 weeks, and when I asked to speak to a tier 2 or claims specialist, he told me that they are not there on the weekends!! Obviously a straight up lie, if you were able to speak to a tier 2 rep today!!

I guess the “new normal” is frustrated and homeless.

Trying to remain positive but man do they make it tough!
@ricard Yea. That was a straight up lie. There are absolutely Tier 2 reps and Specialists there on the weekends.

Just keep trying...you will succeed. Its going to suck balls to sit on hold or have to call back a bajillion times but its apparently what people need to do.

I don't mess around with the Tier 1 rep because I know they can't do anything. I just politely advise them that I spoke to a Tier 2 previously who told me to call back today and ask to be through to a Tier 2. I am polite and even kiss a little rump but its in the hope of succeeding. Today it worked for me. Tomorrow it can work for you.

Keep trying is all I can say. Well, that and that I wish you great luck. Hang tough. It will get straightened out.
@asola /@asola, I have found an error in your comment:

“ass but its [it's] in the hope”

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@asola This is EXACTLY what happened for me too! Literally same situation. The representative said it would be about 7-10 business days for me (this was on Friday). I’ll update if anything happens. Would like to hear if you do too!
@asola How did you get in contact with tier 2 . I am in the exact situation but my claim rewards are exasushted , I am still able to certify but am reluctant because I don’t want to not get paid . I must wait for extension how do I contact them I have a feeling mine is one of the cases they have forgotten .
@smsreq I simply told the tier 1 that I had been directed to ask for Tier 2 as soon as I got hold of someone. I gave the impression of having been told to call back “today” if things weren’t straightened out.
@glprice90 There was no trick to it. I simply kept calling over and over until it put me in the Que for a tier 1. Typically it takes a lot of repetition. I wish there was an easy way to do it but there really isn't.

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