[CALIFORNIA] Claim Balance 0 & Max Benefits Paid


New member
I’m on hold with EDD rn & am going to ask about my account having a $0 balance & what is going on with the second PEUC extension. If anyone is in a similar situation. I’ll post what they tell me :)

UPDATE: I just got off the phone with them...no great news :( She told me it is automatic & that it is taking longer than normal to update them. She did say that it might allow me to certify while my claim balance was $0 but said that can cause issues since there is no $ in the claim so to be careful. She says it should update any day now. Ughhhh
@alfred3200 I’m in the same situation.

I was on hold for 2 hours and finally got through to someone.
They went on hold for a long time then randomly came back and said something to me in Spanish then hung up on me.

EDD... you’re a hot mess
@7upname Same here. I reached the point where the appeals office says to contact the EDD and the EDD says to contact the appeals office. They both say that their 'hands are tied' and there's nothing they can do.
@phoenix4ever Please ask what’s going on with this max benefit bullshit that is reaching and twisting our genitals into a creature like balloon animal that awoke from Cthulhu’s ass crack. The edd is worse than that time Peter tried to say he was king of the world.
@phoenix4ever Im the same .. It says itlll add its self not to call ... So i dony no that sucks we have been wiyh no money since 12.27.2020 y do we have to wait everyone elde got there extrntuon

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