[CALIFORNIA] call or reopen claim


New member
Hello. Hope all is well, I’m currently on unemployment with no more issues as of now however, my bf is getting let go from work (he’s been on unemployment before but was not active for over 30 days on his portal/account, when he went to log back onto it he saw the reopen claim button. I haven’t had this issue before but I had read about not pressing that button and just calling? He still has a claim balance and he’s on extension. What should be his next step? Should he click the button n see what happens? Or call? What number would he call? Thanks very much you’ve all been helpful to me so hope I can get some clear answers about this too. Hang in there.
@ann93 Me personally? With all the chaos(not sure if u saw our EDD getting blasted by the auditor and assemblyman at trial last week), I would call. Why? The reopen claim button and the file a new claim message have been appearing, yet, engaging in either option can ruin things as people have called and been told to ignore the file a new claim even though their screen says file a new claim. I too received a reopen claim button, but when I called I was told not to touch that and the rep did something on their end. In your sitch, you very well may need to actually do what the screen says, but why risk it????
@ann93 Your situation is different from others that had that button. Your bf hasn’t been receiving edd benefits in a long time so his claim was closed. He had to reopen his claim again as if new. Also if he wasn’t certifying while working then his claim would close. Only way to keep claim open while working is to keep certifying even if he worked excessive hours.

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