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When adding in an additional employer during the Application process, they ask for Start/End Date and average hours worked per week. This is a bit confusing as I work for multiple W-2 employers throughout the year. Sometimes I work 8 hours one day. Then months later come back and work another job for a couple days with various hours. How best to accurately report this? as I don't have a typical part time or full time job with X hours per week over X date range. Any thoughts?
@maysmelinda It comes down to not only hours but also how much you've made. For instance

A guy who makes 1500 week working partime won't be eligible

But a guy who gets 1500 working 50+ hours overtime will be eligible. It's not always about the hours but how much you made in a qtr.

So put however many hours for whatever employer but be accurate for those wages because they can do the math or they will just ask your employer. Either way you'll probably have to do a phone appointment and explain. Just be thorough but do not over explain

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