[California] Am I the only one who’s been waiting 5-6 weeks for them to verify it is me


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I have been waiting 6 weeks for a payment and I have been waiting 1.5 weeks for them to call me back I don’t understand wtf is taking so long looking at Ids and verifying doesn’t take months wtf
{UPDATE} - CALL EDD THEY WILL HELP YOU! They want people to send in the second document with the Social security number written on it so that they can verify the phone agent let me know and reopened my option to upload pictures so that I can fix it for a for sure acceptance
@prophetofgod7 you are not only one after 6 weeka I went for pending to disqualification I called today the said because documents were not acceptable ( that's imposible I sent all the right ones) anyways now have to wait on the appeal form who know how long now , you are close though hope you get paid and not disqualified
@emmer123 I had to be verified . Then one of the edd workers gave me a fax number . So I faxed 3 days 2 times a day and not act said to certify . Make sure to put your social security # or the customer number on every page . You can write a letter . 916-319-4141 . And send every document . I down loaded. App with free trial for 7 day’s . Good luck happy night
@emmer123 I got disqualified in may. I had my appeal in September. Still says disqualified on UI Online. I finally got ahold of a human today after calling 15-20 times every single day since my last payment on May 28th
@emmer123 She basically told me that when the office of appeals verifies my identity, they dont send it to the department, so even though i verified my identity, the lady on the phone said the only thing she can do is tell her supervisor and to wait again.
@june2001 what do you mean when the appeal department verifies your identity that they don’t send it to the department...? What else would they do with the verification then if not send it through themselves
@bfc there's been some cases some incompetents people in the appeal distric don't send them as they have to many cases going on so I hear sometimes they send it the same they you win your appeal so basically I've read so many outcomes about these issue and what I can tell after all is that is going to be random luck .. but ehat I can tell for sure thst most all of the people who won the appeal got pay either 2 weeks later or 5 months later so the good news is once you win the appeal you will get pay so first have to focus on win the appeal then is just matter of time , good luck all keep posting any news
@june2001 Omg my story is so similar. I was disqualified in February and haven’t been able to get ahold of anyone still and im desperate. Still nothing.
@cb_isme try 18663628854, they just updated their caller system yesterday and now its about 1% easier to get ahold of someone. Im not kidding when i say today I called 35-45 times before I got ahold of a human, they open at 8 AM. even though they couldnt help me because for some reason they decided after they received my identity verification they didnt want to "input it into the system" for god knows what reason. The lady i talked to told me she would tell her supervisor who would get ahold of another person for identity to ask them to input my identity into the system. I was told if I dont receive a payment in 3 weeks to call again, but i guarantee you I wont be as lucky as I was today
@prophetofgod7 You guy have to literally call every day even if the say you’re on a call back list. I had days where i had to call over 400 times and them some days just worked out and waited 2 min. Have to be persistent.
@prophetofgod7 This happened to me. They normally send you a message through their website to let you know they scheduled a call time to talk to you. Took me TWO MONTHS! To get paid. But once they called, she processed the money that was owed to me, got it the next day. Keep trying to call in, they try to give you a call back to who you need to talk to :(
@prophetofgod7 They got that new automated system for ID verification installed and went live with it 2 weeks ago. I know it's up because I used it (they send a link).

I uploaded the required docs, no issues. They say the automated system can do the verification instantly. Maybe the 'software' does. The problem is, EDD does not do ANYTHING instantly. It's now been two weeks and I've heard absolutely nothing...

Did you do your ID verification (photo ID etc..), the old way, through the mail? If so they say that takes 3-4 weeks. With EDD that translates to about 3 months. I'm so sick of waiting for them to get their sh*# together. People need their benefits NOW!

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