Calculating an Emergency Fund


New member
Hi! So, I have a lot of savings piling up and I want to know: what's a sufficient Emergency Fund for an American living and working n Indonesia? As in, at what point do I stop saving and start looking for other saving/earning vehicles?

Background information: Personal Info: 36yo, F, single, no children. Most of my income, what I'm saving, is non-taxable income I get monthly. This means I cannot contribute to an IRA, Roth or Traditional. Also, I'm able to save for several reasons: I'm house sitting instead of paying rent at the moment, I don't have credit card debt, and I'm not able to drive, so I don't have/need a car, car note, or fuel costs. My health insurance costs are paid for by the company, for the most part (it excludes Dental). Finally, I currently have no tax liability in the US, because my taxable income (what I earn here in Indonesia) falls well, well below $120,000 (in fact, I think I'm under $12,000 USD taxable a year).

However, I am able to save about a third to half of my non-taxable income a month, so roughly $1-2,000 on average a month.I do have a student loan, that's currently paused due to the US Covid relief measures, and is not collecting interest. I also have a plan for paying it off in two years when repayments start in September.

Until then, I want to continue to build my emergency fund.That said, in the interest of building my savings base before I spend on any trips, or attack my student loan, how much should I have squirreled away in savings? The 3~6 month worth of bills doesn't seem to fit, as I can go from suddenly having minimal bills to an emergency that takes me back to the US and then having FAR MORE bills, theoretically, at any time. Also, if I do end up renting here, there's a possibility I'll have to pay the year's rent up front, so I know I need about $8-10,000 USD on hand for that, as well as the cost of a short notice ticket home. What else needs to be factored in to an EF?
@resjudicata Ok, so: #3. Already covered by my current savings. #1. I assume I just make a few inquires and add these costs into my budget as if they were normally there, then multiply the whole thing by 6. But #2... how do I go about estimating these costs? I'm not familiar with USD or IDR prices for home repair, as I've never had to do my own home repair before, either in Indonesia or the US. Thanks for your reply.
@siyabong That would indeed be quite the secret. However, as stated, I also have untaxed income. The 12k/yr is just the taxed amount. Also, long term house sitting saves on rent.

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