@ella1838 At my PaknSave they sell deli meat ends at a discounted price. These are found in the chilled food area near the bacon. So if you don't mind your ham or roast beef in chunks instead of slices, this is a great deal.

They're not great for sandwiches but I cut into smaller pieces for things like quiche or pasta salad.
@ella1838 I was speaking to someone the other day who said she went to a store (won't name but its one of the foofy supermarkets) that had a large amount of meat products a day out from expiring. She asked them for a discount and they gave her 50% off!
@ella1838 Yes, we get the Preston's meats emails in Wellington, buy bulk, freeze and doll it out. Quality flesh.

I don't bother with Woolworths meat as the quality is low and over saturated with water. Pack n save and new world I do some but they also have a high water content.
@jgeral0172 True, what about while cooking as the chicken from Woolworths has to be on the highest heat due to he water that comes out. the meat I get from Preston's always seems dryer.
@ella1838 Pak n save richmond likes to mix old meat in with new meat so careful with minced meat.
grey and green tinged meat is really obvious when clumped with red meat btw paknsave, do better.
@ella1838 In my experience (working at a supermarket previously, and shopping experience) they don’t do this at the end of the day in NZ. The bulk of the butchery team only work the first part of the day (early morning to early afternoon) processing the meat delivery and putting it out. It’s then that they will also go through all the stock still out and reduce items - so usually early/mid morning (9-10am ish). Same goes with fresh foods (stuff in the fridges) as that team will usually start early in the morning too and be gone by mid afternoon.

Obviously different stores will have different rosters but all the trucks come through in the morning so the bulk of the team is around in the morning and that’s when most stock gets moved out onto the floor and usually also when older stock gets pulled or reduced.
@ella1838 The local supermarket puts the yellow sticker clearance items out at 2pm. The well-off retired ladies get those when all the working stiffs are at work. By the time I get to the supermarket at 6pm it's all gone. Once in a while on a day off I have a look and all these elderly are loading up trollies of cheap stuff.
@ella1838 Not really, all supermarkets have proper refrigeration on the shop floors so the meat is perfectly fine overnight so no reason to sell it all cheap at the end of the day

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