@michaelthiessen I can't answer all of it but I'll do my best:

1) Sorta, but if there is no incentive to sell, or if it's been on the market for a while, don't expect much if any movement. Also the act of asking can end the discussion on a property, so be prepared for that risk.

2) They are getting their money either way, it's just whether its done in a week or a month or two. Generally people have already sorted out their new living environment before selling, so there is less incentive to get cash quickly and get out.

3) Sorta. Shop around for representatives, but don't expect good results.

4) Absolutely, paying less total interest. Many mortgages here in Japan put the payments on last month first, which is a negligible reduction in interest, so there's no major gain to paying off early other than peace of mind. That being said, your total interest payments on a 10 year loan will be less than a 35 year, and you're also getting a better rate generally.

As for getting a loan while neither of you are employed, can't help ya there. Others will probably know more. Note about the tax right off, that is only for certain houses, not all mortgages. So under 35 years old basically.

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