Buying a property in Germany vs investing into MSCI World

@tiredleon Good argument! But cities are sexy not only because of jobs, but also malls, schools, cinemas, etc. This will be harder to find in completely rural areas. So I expect growth of middle-size cities which have a good balance of infrastructure and price.
@chris1974 AI and VR will likely take care of schooling and a lot of shopping will be done online. If transport into a city is fast, then there is far less need to live inside one. Very interesting times are ahead that's for sure.
@resjudicata At some point? Absolutely. At the very least remote/home schooling will be accessible to everyone. The whole dynamic of cities will be transformed over the next few decades, as there is less and less need for people to interact in person or live near work.
Many people are already migrating away from cities to work remotely, I just can't see any good reason for that trend to reverse.
Also, if people don't need to be in an office in person, then why even be in the same country? Companies will hire people to work remotely for tiny wages when satellite internet is widely available in the developing world. These things are coming much faster than many of us think.
@tiredleon Not likely, urbanization and the drive to luve in cities has been a major factor for the last hundreds of years (if not more). Technological advances such as TV, Internet, computers etc has only meant more urbanization and bigger cities, not the opposite.

Sattelite Internet gives bandwidth but will always have horrible delay/lag, that a due to the laws of physics (how fast a sig AL can travel). VR is a gimmic, fun but not comfy enough for long term use, even Google glass failed miserably.

People want to luve in cities, because city means every form of entertainment, shopping, services (post, police, hospital) is easy and quick to come by. Living in the country is for older people, 50+, who don't want/need activities, have few friends and no young kids.
@resjudicata This is my understanding as well, so it looks like expanding older generation will be selling their properties in cities to go to live in more affordable places like Spain
@chris1974 Sorry if I hijack this thread for a question but: German pensions depend on the size of the workforce at the time they are paid? I thought only France had a system like that where the currently working people paid for the currently retired people and that others had gone on capitalizing pension plans?
@craig01 I am not a big expert in this topic, but as far as I know, yes, people who work now pay for retired. And in 30 years due to a demographic shift retirees will get 50% less money if working people will pay the same rate...
@chris1974 Interesting. Can you opt out of this retirement scheme? Some people would say it looks a lot like a ponzi scheme :)

In France it’s very much impossible to opt out unless you go abroad or get your money from something else than a salary.
Can you opt out

Yes and no. This is from a quick search: If you're self employed then you can decide whether you want to pay into it or not. But that also depends on what job you're doing.

Or you can become a CEO and since you're a delegate of the employer you can also opt out.

Or you become a state official. Those get a pension that is financed through taxes.

But I'm guessing that the majority of people will have no choice.
Or you become a state official. Those get a pension that is financed through taxes.

What exactly qualifies as a "state official"? Do you actually have to work in the government or government-run entities count as well? (eg. universities or Deutsche Bahn..)
@craig01 yes as a self-employed you’re basically opt out by default. Until you can prove you’re a self-employed on your own and not a “hidden employee” you stay out of the pension system. Some see it as a risk though I myself consider it as some sort of DIY pension, I definitely ask lower fees than any managed fund and I’m even cheaper than a low-cost ETF since I invest in single stocks :)
@craig01 Afaik, no, if you want to live here, you need to pay it. Maybe it is different if you are self employed or something. And yes, it is a ticking bomb...

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