Buying a property for AirBnB and own use

@ejdme Barcelona may still have some properties at a decent price, although I'm not sure if they've stopped handing out tourist property licenses, so you may need to buy a property that already has a license. Otherwise I would look in general at coastal cities; but that's just me.
@resjudicata Please don’t, people here can barely afford a decent room - we don’t need any more airbnbs. Also they are currently banned as far as I am aware.
@kunmi The fact people can’t afford a room is not related to the question or the answer to that. It is also not a problem could be caused by the OP as a young retail investor. Moreover he would still bring taxes to your country, but that‘s a benefit you will probably never understand.
@kunmi It's the same story for any city where an Airbnb is profitable. I empathise with your sentiment, but this is the wrong sub (and you didn't have to downvote me for a very valid response to Op's question).

If you have anything valuable to add to this post go ahead, otherwise vés-te'n a cagar :)
@jordanc0856 Well yea it does. You buy a house you don’t live in - less house for local people. If you buy a house, live in it and have a free room that you rent (on Airbnb) I’m all for it.
@kunmi what is the problem of buying a house as a investment ? it is a basic economic human right that exists since the creation of civilization and that only does not exist in dictatorial countries where human rights do not count.

(1) if i receive from an heritage 2 houses should i be forced to give them back to the government because i cannot have more than 1 house ? or should i be forbiden to sell them for who pays the higher price ?

(2) if i win the lotterry should I be forced to invest all that money in risky businesses becasuse i should not be able to buy safe assets / real estate ?

(3) if my work provides me additional savings should i not be allowed to organize my future and purchase an house and use the rent as additional rent for my retirement ?

People camon you are defending the return to dictatorialship societies where human rights are not recognized- we will go back to that feudal mentality of the society

Housing costs and housing problems is a governmental thing that has to be resolved with (1) protection of domestic jobs to make sure that all population is working and (2) socialy assist who has difficulties

and people have to work hard to get things from life.

@jordanc0856 What you tried to explain.

They think if you work hard and have a little bit more money you are rich and you’re a problem of the current RE market situation and probably the cause of their other problems. Trying to find a way to save you money against the inflation caused by the government is the action you do to evict poor locals from the houses from their understanding. That the position which is nice for the govt as well to excuse their hopeless.
@resjudicata Barcelona is nice for sure but as someone pointed out they don’t seem to have the most friendly climate for property investments which is what’s important here. Happy to be corrected though.
@ejdme So you would buy the property but have someone else manage the running of it via AirB&B? I know quite a few people who remt out via AirB&B and it’s a surprising amount of work, so I don’t know what kind of returns you can expect. But something like this can still be a solid investment with real estate prices going up, and, as you mention, you’d use it yourself.

I don’t know about the infrastructure part (that is the property managment services), but from my travels around Europe, I’d probably go with someplace like Prague, maybe Berlin, possibly Rome. The first two had solid nightlife (I say had because I wouldn’t know anymore, I’m married and have a kid :), the third is just one of my favorite cities. Lisbon or some places in Spain (Valencia?) might also be good but travel connections to them aren’t as good as Prague or Berlin. Another choice might be Krakow but I don’t know what the night life there is like these days, it’s been almost 20 years since I was there :) And maybe Amsterdam, but I think the property prices there are probably too high (just guessing).

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