Buying a house and wondering if this is a mistake?


New member
Me 30 & my wife 26 are buying a house new build worth $930k in Waikato on a family income of $180k with 10% deposit. Looking at mortgage of roughly $842k with 0.75% LEM added. I am getting a bit of cold feet as we would only be able to save $1000 a month tops after paying mortgage, rates, bills, grocery etc.

Is this a bad financial decision? We worry if we wait longer for 20% deposit we may be late and will end up paying $200k- 300k more for the house.

Also thought of having mortgage this big makes me a bit worried.

Any thoughts/suggestions on if is this feeling normal or am I just making a financial failure in long run?

Update 1: Would like to add few more details such as we don’t have any kids and don’t plan on doing any for another 2-3 years. Also planning to get a flatmate as its a 4 bedroom 3 bathroom house hoping that can generate $1000/month on top of standard savings. Other than this salaries are going to be up by end of this year and can hopefully save $1500 by stretch this is without the flatmate. Also aiming to get a second job and generate another $300-$400 weekly if possible. The house is a new build in Pokeno which comes with 10 years master build warranty and 12 months maintenance, we both work in Auckland and commute to work once a week only.

Update 2: Have a kept an emergency fund of $10,000 locked in for anything crazy.

Update 3: Really grateful and thank you for all the comments in the thread as this is giving me some good insights and points to consider.
@tomas5tex Came here to say this. It also makes getting sick, loosing your job, getting divorced or any other large life event so,so much harder if you have a big mortgage hanging over your head. Surely there must be cheaper first homes in Waikato?
@newb787 Good points, we are buying out in Pokeno but we work in Auckland and commute to work only once a week. Buying a decent 3 bedroom house in Auckland under $900k is a bit of a stretch as either you will get townhouse (less preference) or houses out west or existing houses with maintenance needed. I could be wrong but this is what we found when hunting for a house.
@davebhere Just a thought, if you're already in Pokeno and driving into Auckland, consider moving further away for a cheaper property?

I'm in Hamilton and driving to Auckland for work. Up to Bombay is easy drive (40 minutes), and all the delays are past that (1hr+).

Not sure if that's worth it to save ~200k on your mortgage.

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