Buy shares in Alibaba

@elevangeliodehoy China's economy is in for a huge downturn - they have a property bubble that makes NZ look blue chip by comparison and a massive conglomerate threatening to pull down the whole stack of cards. In times of turmoil, the CCP can and will step in to try and manage the economy - this may see huge changes in business practices with companies disappearing almost overnight. Alibaba seems likely to far safer than some, but people should probably be wary about investing in Chinese companies right now. I would wait and see what happens with Evergrande personally
@resjudicata Good summary, i had a chance to travel to China a couple of years ago as we had a work conference there. Alibaba is literally everywhere, take a taxi, pay with alipay, buy takeaways -alipay, everything is paid through alipay.

With such reliance i don't see the chinese government letting it fail.
Jack Ma on the other might "dissapear".

Apart from that alibaba is in the media, film department store business even the post.
To big to fail?

I've got a few k invested so won't be a worry if i lose it all. Don't bet what you can't afford to lose.
@elevangeliodehoy Rule #1 never listen to internet's advice on what to invest in.

They all reek of Dunning-Kruger. If you think about it why would an expert in overseas investing be posting on a fucking message board in the middle of the day.

I'd rather lose my own money because of my own mistakes.
@elevangeliodehoy Jack ma won't disappear, generally when celebrities and moguls like Ma make fuckups they just chill for a while laying low coz Chinese people can be a wicked mob. Jack ma isn't a matyr he enforced the 996 culture in his businesses and a lot of Chinese dislike him for that.

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