Buy a house locally or an apartment abroad (hedging against a war)

@rasil Wtf? So their partner shouldn’t have a choice in what career they would pursue? Are you hearing yourself? I think there’s something wrong with your premises.
@ronnieboy If my wife made 20K per year and I made 2K at something I enjoyed, I'd be on the same page. If she wanted to focus on building wealth, I would be of service to that goal. Life and marriage ain't equal.

This is a person concerned with building wealth in Europe where property is King.
@rasil Umm, maybe his wife is doing a job she likes and shouldn't be his slave? Maybe she has no interest in managing wealth or babysitting tenants? Time to get out of the 1950s my friend, women aren't property :D
@beftev Buy a nice house or apartment in Spain (you can get a nice for as low as €200k) or in Croatia. This way, you can use that for your own recreation or for a whole family if you have parents who like to travel or siblings, this way the property at least is used in some way. And if you gotta use it one day to escape (hopefully not) you can move there.
@red555 Spain you have to worry about an organized squatting movement.

Croatia is a nice place to visit, but there’s a few foreseeable political, social and economic impediments that woukd make it a hard no for me.
@rasil Is it that bad all around the country? Also, knowing his income, he could probably pay for a service that would look after his property.
@rasil Well Barcelona is quite far about from let's say Malaga or Marbella, where is probably the place you would look for a holiday house.

Wtf is wrong with people and these squatters, they don't have a work to do?!
@tashiya Croatia is better option anyway, much closer and languages are somewhat similar and the people there are friendly. We only had the best experience buying a property there and the local neighbours are friendly as well, no xenophobia and they appreciate we like their country.
@tashiya Yeah there are some sh***y okupas, but there's also a good part of people who can't afford to buy a house if the minimum price is so high, I would also focus on this. It's not like everyone has a good situation (easy for us to talk), and people deserve housing.
@rmalex Yes, and while the squatting issue is serving to help those people. I have no inclination to fuel the problem by buying a summer house that I frankly don't need in a place making it harder for people to claim their homes at a reasonable price.
@beftev This might actually be a good case to use a property management firm. They take a large cut but could work for you. It’s less return but there is the price.

Though maybe just buy western stocks?

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