Budget Spreadsheet


New member

Some people were asking about the spreadsheet that I used to populate my SankeyMatic chart yesterday so I figured I would share it. This is based off someone else's template. Sadly I can't find the original creator to give them credit.

The spreadsheet is composed of three sheets. The first sheet has cells that need to be filled in manually. All income, Retirement, House, and Fixed Expenses need to be entered manually.

The Variable Expenses get populated automatically from the third sheet.

The second sheet is a breakdown of each individual month with percentages and an end of year summary.

The third sheet is where you paste your bank or credit card statements. The spreadsheet is set up to work for how my statements are downloaded. But a little Excel knowledge should allow you to make it work for yours. As it is currently:

Column A is for Transaction Date

Column B is for Posted Date

Column C is for Card Number

Column D is for Vendor

Column E is the Category (Grocery, Dining, Merchandise, etc)

Column F is for the amount

Sheet one looks at the transaction date and sorts it into the appropriate month and category. You can rename the categories to whatever works for you.

Google Sheet link:


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