BRS Continuation Pay Info, Air Force

@bevm I mean.....for anyone who comes in, it is what they get....considering every DoD org is over end strength (thanks COVID) they haven't truly figured out if this will change anything.
@bevm You do realize that Continuation Pay can be in addition to a re-enlistment bonus and the commitment runs concurrently as well, correct? CP will go up when a service decides they need an additional incentive to keep mid career members in. Apparently, regular pay, re-enlistment bonuses, and retirement benefits are enough at the moment.
@kitty346 Yes, but if you have no other ADSCs, 4 years for such a pittance of a bonus is literally offensive. Especially if someone is on the fence when it comes to staying in.
@bevm I’m trying to figure out why someone would feel personally insulted about a bonus. The purpose of a bonus is to convince people to stay in the military who otherwise wouldn’t. If the military doesn’t need many people to stay, bonuses will be small or non existent. It’s not personal. If you don’t feel the military pays enough for your skills, you can decline CP and get out. If you want bonuses to be higher, you could try convincing your peers to get out.
@kitty346 Yes, but 2.5x base pay is insultingly low for the ADSC needed to be a 5x scalable to 15x. That would allow for more realistic retention style bonuses the way it was designed.

5x a 4k E6 after 12 years is 20k, thatsbat LEAST an additional 5k a year per ADSC. Thats like the minimum it should be.

If it had a 1 or 2 year ADSC, then 2.5x would be fine.

Edit: not to be snarky, but I'm not personally offended. I'm professionally offended for everyone in the DoD who has to make this decision.

Let me phrase it to you this way. If you're an E6, would you stay an extra 4 years for an extra $2500 a year? Fuck no
@bevm If I were an E6 with 12 years of service who liked my job well enough and didn’t think I would find something I liked better with similar or better benefits outside the military, I would probably stay in the military for another 8 years for no bonus. I’m still getting paid a good salary and earning an excellent pension. A bonus is just extra.

If I were on the fence about staying or going, then the bonus might matter. Whether $2500/year is enough would depend on what I thought my other were.

Given that most branches and components have been offering the minimum CP, I’m willing they’ve calculated so far that the CP isn’t necessary to keep the personnel they need. If people are feeling insulted by the CP amount, they’re either staying in for other reasons or leaving (which may be what the DoD wants).
@kitty346 The problem is the ADSC. Your opinion is only 1 opinion.

That ADSC is way to long to make that little bit of money in any way tantalizing. If someone is on the fence, it might even push people to just leave. Its already been proven that massive bonuses for pilots are not enough to keep them in.

$2500 bucks a year for a 4 year commitment is laughable.
@mohamad BRS is still confusing to a lot. I am having issues with it now. Even DFAS is confused. I am reading verbatim from there " A guide to the uniformed services for BRS" and they are still giving me issues. Glad you chain of command was able to understand it!
@mohamad My biggest question is HOW it renders you ineligible for retraining? Is it a code on you somewhere in the system? Like what happens if some incredible opportunity lands in my lap at 2.5 years in? Would I not even have the chance to pay back the full amount or prorated amount? I’m chewing on this hardcore because I don’t want to straight up lock myself out of awesome retraining opportunities for $8.6K but there’s also no guarantee that those opportunities would ever arise.

The decision would be way easier if I knew I could pay it back or pay back a pro-rated amount further on down the line.
@mohamad I’ve never gotten an SRB before so I don’t know if they have a similar SoU that says you’re receiving it to STAY in your current AFSC or not. One of my big concerns is that they have created some sort of DAV code that renders you straight up ineligible to retrain; no ifs, ands, or etc.
@godsu I can dig through my records of you think of a place it would be. I'm pretty confident I don't have any availability code right now but I'll double check tomorrow and mention if I do
@mohamad I know this comment/question is pretty late to the party but here it goes anyway. The third statement says; "I understand it is my responsibility to have or obtain the required 48 months of retainability (calculated from the CP effective date) within 30 days (if applicable) of the date of this election to fulfill the required service obligation." What does the "if applicable" part of that statement mean? Also, what is the reg that governs this? I elected to receive CP but then missed my reenlistment date due to being quarantined for COVID and MPF jerking me around and taking forever to do paperwork. Now they're saying that I missed the 30 day window and that the rules concerning continuation pay are ironclad and that nothing can be done.
@mohamad A little late to the party but just accepted mine....

Did you get paid out mid month or in the June 1st paycheck? Ironically, my 12 year is in May as well 🤣
@reimi Going back and checking transactions, it looks like it literally paid out on the day after my 12 year mark. It didn't come thru on a paycheck, it was a separate deposit.

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