
New member
Hi sorry for another noob on the scene but everyone starts somewhere I guess.

I want to buy some of either in the title every 2 weeks(payday) for the long-term 20+ years

I understand that you only pay 33 % CGT on stocks when you sell not 41% every eight years like the EFT's.

Would I be better off buying the BRK.B to save the hassle of the tax and losing 41% every year from 8 years onwards plus it will be messy tax wise as I will be buying every 2 weeks.

I understand BRK.B doesn't match the profit potential of S&P 500 but would it be fairly close and much less of a headache in the future?

What would you more wiser heads advise?

Thanks in advance
@jedc42 You could also consider JAM. It's a UK investment trust, a close ended fund which trades as an investment company and falls under CGT rules like Berkshire. Tracks the S&P 500 very well.
@coffeeandprayer Your going to kill me man, but I still can't find JAM on the trading 212 app.
Are you sure it's on it?
It's my preferred app and would be great if I could find it on it and save me going to ibkr.

Apologies for being a pest😐
@jordansprings Yes, dividend isn't too high though. The share value is tied to that of its underlying holdings.

I certainly wouldn't be comfortable betting everything on Berkshire longterm. No idea how it will perform when Buffet and Munger are gone in a few years.
@jedc42 Yeah it’s the same tactic a lot use if you don’t want to be dealing with the headache of deemed disposal. You’ll only need to file something when you sell.

BRK.B has been flying lately.

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