British Expat looking for an American tax consultant


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Hello everybody. My wife is British, I'm an American, and we had some questions on making sure she is filing her taxes correctly here in America.

In previous years she has filed through TurboTax. She's reported her foreign bank accounts through Turbo Tax and through an FBAR form. She has some questions more specifically about a rental property she shares with her mom in England, and also questions on transferring money to the US. We've looked into speaking to a tax professional about these questions to make sure she is compliant, or to amend anything she has done wrong. She tried H&R Block locally and they were very dismissive. She has also tried local accounting/ tax firms and they have quoted more than $1500 to even consult, once they heard the word expat...

Can anyone please recommend a service that is somewhere in the middle? The pandemic has really put a hit on our ability to earn in our industries atm. Or is there a website worth researching through? She found but we weren't sure how reliable it is.

Thank you for any advice you can offer.
@lovepark65 You want to find an accountant that specializes in US Expat taxes. There are 5-10 big ones and they show up on Google. I would recommend setting up a free 30 Minute consultation with 2-3 of them to ask your questions and also a quote for tax prep. I can't recommend any specific firm, but I would guess that a reasonable quote will be $500-800.
@lovepark65 I’ve used for two consecutive years and I’ve been very happy with them, but just for doing expat taxes, not for consultation. Previously I had a consultation with Greenback. Professional, and ok. Also had experience with Bright tax. Not impressed. I’ve really liked Taxes For Expats. I’m in Asia though—so obviously different situations. But I wish I’d had good suggestions these years, so I wanted to offer my experiences. Good luck.
@clintjohnson We did not. We went with who offered a free consultation. We are currently collecting documents before we move forward with them though so we can't speak to anything other than the initial consultation.

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