Bridge investment until CHF gets stronger

@aywo That’s three months not a year.

Just look at the one year Chart or longer….it’s some days, chf is still to strong…

Just look at the swiss companys reporting in USD…all have bad results because of the Dollar weakness to the CHF.

Your 8% drop is a base effect as inflation was low and now got even lower. 1.3 against 2.0 estimated.
Now we will continue to cut rates, this will also happen in the EU and the USA.
The 8% drop are based on the 1.75% of the SNB which decreased to 1.50%
The EU and the USA will move from 4-5% to 2%…
Where will they drop?

The Swiss Francs is still strong, just weakened currently/tenporarly

This is actually a great situation as usually the SNB does currency manipulation to weaken the CHF, which isn’t nessessary in the current szenario.
@aywo When in doubt, zoom out.

Speaking about a top world currency while only looking at the last 3 months is why retail gets rekt, and why "DCA and forget" in a large diversified ETF is the way.
@mog411 buy bitcoin u wont have to bother about weakening conversion rates, in the long run (3y+) it will always outperform every single currency out there. its the hardest money in existence. youre welcome.
Bitcoin bitcoin please don‘t waste this opportunity just keep it there for 6-7months

This simply sounds pathetic.

I guess you could make a case for holding a small amount of Bitcoin but I definitely wouldn't say anyone "should". There are no dividends in Bitcoin and it's not even 20 years old. Most people's investment horizon is way longer than that. For all we know, Bitcoin could be just as shitcoin 50 yrs down the line.
@campmin Yes simply because you are stupid, i know ppl who went in cuz of my advice in 2013 and are millionaires now. Sounds pathetic to you, you sound pthetic to me 👍

Some ppl are irreversible - not even with some gentle advice. They call it pathetic 😂 you are right - it is pathetic that someone still 11years later has to say it and ppl fight the success and downvote the advice.

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