
New member
Based in the NL. Due to work bonus and some savings I find myself with a surplus of cash of about EUR 35k, which I was planning for purchasing a house, but that may be delayed as I am not sure I am staying in the NL. Around 3 - 5 k will keep as available cash / savings account. But otherwise, are there any options to park the rest for a secure ish return in 1 - 2 years until a decision is made? Netherlands is notoriously bad at savings acc. interest rates

I already have investments via degiro, with ETF tracking S&P and some stocks I got lucky with and do not plan to get rid of anytime soon.
@jay_the_meek I think so, and those 20k also cover investments in case some T212 staff fraudulently manipulates them. In case of a non-fraud bankrupt those 20k cover your cash and you shouldn't lose your investments (stocks, etfs...) because those are held by Interactive Brokers, a famous broker.
@rexparmar Why you think that Netherlands is notoriously bad at savings? There are options for higher interest where risk might be involved if bank is not covered by insurance up to 100k, but also big banks offer 2-3% percent on savings account on not fixed term, which is pretty much very similar to other countries
@mudpuddle in germany banks offer upwards of 3.5%, while ABN AMRO and ING in the Netherlands for example is 1.5%. The Dutch consumer authority was even saying they will start to investigate why the interest rates are so low in the NL
@rexparmar Most German banks don't offer those rates though. Generally you can get better rates in the Netherlands than in Germany. ING in Germany gives 1.25% for example. You can get higher rates in both countries, just not at the standard banks.

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