BOI launched EcoSaver Mortgage with lower rates

@sicky12 I locked in a 20yr mortgage at a fixed 2.5% summer of 2022 just before the ECB increases. Gambling on them not falling back down too much but if they do it’s unlikely they’ll be that much lower.
@tentmaker17 Ha right

Start worrying!

My wife's place rolls off 2.5% next Jan. God knows how much we'll be paying then. Trying to hide from the bank the fact it's now rented as well
@asurfpro Ooh I see. Yeah that BTL rate is quite different alright!

With my own case I'm hoping rates will trend downwards again in the next 2.5 years. If not then I may have a few bob together to pay off a little chunk. We shall see
@asurfpro That's the hope anyway! Let's see what happens. The solar panels last year brought the BER from B3 to A3 as well so let's see what products are available at that point

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