Bitcoin just hit a RM all time high!

@kpc12 I’m so ready for the big dip.

My strategy is simple, gain 3% of return every month and stop trading once hit my target. Top up 1k to my portfolio every month. Run for 10 years.

Worst case, lost 120k
Best case, gain 500k for 2% monthly return, 1mil for 3% monthly return and 3mil for 5% monthly return.

So far invested 10k since I started this project. Only 2 months failed. But the following month gain 10% and cover back my losses. Still on track for 3% gain.
@lefsfam Challenging, but I try.

Imagine your mum promised to give you 100 lollipops every month. If you behave nicely this month, you will get bonus of 3 lollipops. So your lollipops increase by 103 (not really, cuz the formula should be X+3% = Y, then (Y+100)+3%, to make it simply, just ignore the compound, let’s make it constant.)

But sometime you’re naughty, so she will take some of our lollipops as punishment. So you have to do extra work next month like homework or score A in exam to earn extra lollipops.

Repeat for 120 times, when you’re 15, you get fat load of lollipops and diabetes
@stcimrgans01 yes, that's why I said it's possible to gain 3% a month. I do keep adjusting my buy sell limit based on the situation. Thanks for reminding. But may I know what mistake you made?
@hysterical I sold for nice profit and next few days the coin went 300%. If I keep DCA and hold the coins but adjust the stop loss when the coins goes up every 20%, I will be a happy boy.

And one more thing...I lost 70% of my capital 5 years ago, when I try to be smart ass and do Day trading. Tried to make few % here and there daily. I got burned.

Just buy the dip, hold, adjust your stop lost.
@stcimrgans01 Well, we can’t predict what happens next, just like BCH 2 days ago, went 50% in one night, missed that. But it’s okay, just keep making profit steadily.

TBH, I did the same day trading thing during covid time. Rugi 5 figures in 2 weeks, lesson learnt.
@hischild4eternity Okay, I often ask myself this question too. In an ideal world, yes, I do assume BTC can generate a constant 3% return every month. But in reality, the answer is no. So, how do I tackle this issue?

Let's say I invest 10k this month, aiming to gain RM300. I'll divide the 10k into five portions, then buy in when the price seems right for me. (Actually, I realize I'm essentially doing DCA, just over a shorter period). Once my portfolio hits 10.3k, I'll sell 100% of the crypto I'm holding and wait for the next month to top up 1k and use 11.3k to trade again.

Yes, as I mentioned earlier, there are months when I fail to achieve a 3% return. So, I know I need to trade more in the following month to cover the losses. It might sound like gambling, but DCA-ing is similar; the only difference is that I calculate my profit on a monthly basis, while DCA players hold for longer periods.

For example, in June 2023, my portfolio was down by 2%, so I just held it for another month without cashing out, then topped up 1k to lower my average price (again, realizing I'm doing DCA) and sold everything once I hit my July target.

Now, why do I do this instead of just DCA-ing for longer periods? The main reason is flexibility. If I see better options, I can cash out and invest elsewhere, like taking advantage of a Moomoo promotion that offered an Apple share for depositing 8k that month. So, I stopped trading crypto and put my money in Moomoo for easy money.

Okay, now, is it possible to gain 3% every month? The answer is yes. It doesn’t mean you just invest 10k and magically gain 3%. Sometimes, I need to trade 2-3 times to achieve it. If I gain 2%, I'll cash out, wait, re-enter, and if I gain another 1%, that sums up to 3% - goal achieved, and goodbye.
It’s also easier to manage. As we all know cryptocurrencies are super volatile. I sold my all stake in 275k, now it’s trading at 300k, I could easily made extra RM1k if I hold, but I don’t regret a bit. Cuz no one knows what will happen next. And this is where most people fucked up, greedy.

Just like when BTC hit ATH 2 years ago, everyone was so hyped and lose more than 30% within 2 weeks, I took a hard hit too. So now I become more discipline, I set my goal, once I hit the target, I stop and do this again next month.
@kpc12 DCA’d since 2017, after its first ATH because FOMO. Besides covid years, every year I’ve been ridiculed for putting money in BTC.

Look who is laughing now.
@jodi1028 Every month I set aside an amount to put into my investments, I don’t care if the stock/crypto is being shit on that day or not. Pretty standard stuff.

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