Big 4 Starting Salary (and Beyond)

@earlw Was offered €28k for a graduate role in audit in PwC last year. My understanding is that it’s marginally increased. Thankfully didn’t accept
@earlw Starts off low

I started in a big four in 2009 on 21,600 😐
Left after qualifying to another big 4 for 50k
Left them after nearly 8 years on 100k + bonus

So it took about 10 years to get 100 salary.

Buy by about year 7 maybe I was on 75k and able to get bonuses of about 25k to get me over 100k overall.

It’s worth the time because the work isn’t necessarily that hard to be honest and you can make good friends.
@earlw For tax in Deloitte, it’s around the following:

-Grad - €30,000

-2nd year - €33,000

-Not sure about senior but would guess it’s about €40,00

-Assistant manager - €52,000 to €55,000 (think bonus is around 5% to 10%)

-Manager - €65,000 (10% to 20% bonus)

-Senior Manager - circa €75,000 (not sure on bonus)

-Director - €100,000 to €120,000 (bonus about 10% to 30%)

Think pension is match up to about 5% and they give all employees health insurance now.

From senior manager up it gets trickier to estimate salary and bonus so above are indications. If you’re not looking to make partner, the exit opportunities after manager are usually pretty lucrative and a lot easier work / life balance wise.

As for the other Big 4, I started in EY on €24,000 but that was a good few years ago so I’d say it’s gone up since. However, from what I know from friends still there, the Director salary is lower compared to Deloitte and they don’t offer health insurance (I’m assuming, this means their other grades are probably in line with their Director salaries and therefore lower too)

Source: was manager until about 2 years ago and left for another job that doubled my salary.
@earlw As someone joining them this month, I can say the starting salary has changed a lot

Seems to depend on what you have going in. People with CAP 1 or better start on 28.5k. Obviously haven't seen how fast they go up but thats the general starting amount

Interesting to note is Deloitte just got a raise up to 31/32k before they have even started. One would assume the others would have to follow suit
@earlw there’s no transparency about it because they low ball grads and imply that alumni will have ‘better career opportunities’

used to be the case, but not anymore. if you want to work in a big 4, do it, but if you’re just money oriented then go elsewhere
@stefan612 It’s pretty transparent. Every single person that knows the salary scales up to managers. And you can find us all on the garden and Morgan McKinley salary surveys anyway.

Once you want a senior manager, territory and directors, that’s when the salaries and bonuses start to vary

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