Big 4 Starting Salary (and Beyond)


New member
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on the starting salaries this year for big 4 grads (in Dublin) and if they’ve got any idea of the year-on-year increase for different year bands.

Always confused why there’s no transparency about it when so many people work there.
@earlw So in 2016 I started on 24k

2017 26k

2018 30.5 then passed exams so 36k +2k tax free bonus

2019 promoted to senior - 47k

2020 - 50k

2021 - promoted to manager 65k +7.5k milestone bonus

2022 - 69k + 14k performance bonus

Then I left for a job for 80k

Currently interviewing for a job for 90k +20% bonus

From what I recall starting is now 28k jumps to 30k then 35 then 50 + 10% bonus then 55 +10% bonus. And manager still in and around 65

First few years are shit but the jumps are good and ACA qualification gets you good pay once you leave.

Edit to say all of the above is audit. Tax and consolation usually 1-2k higher
@theanonymouschristian Much less transparency at that level, so pinch of salt but this is my understanding … so if you make signing director but not partner it’s 110-150k plus bonuses over the 30% region.

If you make audit director (not signing), it’s 90k start and small increments when bases are revised + 30ish % bonus.

Bonus %s can very much vary (e.g covid) but those would be a typical year.
@colt2233 Automatic each year. Unless you get held back from promotion for poor performance but that’s about 1 in 50 people and usually only for 6 months or so.
@earlw They are using you for cheap labour. You are using them to get a reputable name on your CV.

That's the extent of the relationship. There is no correlation between big turnover and big wages in these companies.
@karrose That’s not strictly true. They were pay cut across the board in around 2009. Bonuses grew steadily when incomes rose. And bonuses fell back during Covid.

There is a reasonable correlation between the growth and income of the firms and the bonus and salary.

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