Bi-Weekly Advice Thread March 24, 2024: All Your Personal Queries

@isbel13 If you are okay with it and if you are able to find it then I will suggest go for a used but in pretty good condition bike. Pay full in cash or take a very very small loan for part of the amount that you can't pay.

You will save a significant amount of money considering a depreciating asset like this and also once you ride the bike for a few months, it won't matter if the bike is new or old like it probably does now for you (if it was well maintained and you also maintain it properly which is another topic).
@isbel13 depends on amount of interest on the loan you are taking. if it's 8-9% annual then I suggest you should do 3-4 year loan maximum amount, if it's like 12-15% then bring as much cash possible and rest take loan, if it's more than that I don't recommend taking any loan, just save yourself money and buy in cash, or even go for second hand but best condition (as third party insurances are covered for years already when purchased, you would only have to pay RTO name transfer fees and yearly first party premiums).

That's what I would do, it maybe not perfect and change case to case
@isbel13 If you can wait it's better. If you have to take loan for 3 lakh bike, I will suggest to not purchase such a an expensive bike.

Buy something within budget and after few years buy that high end bike.
@isbel13 It depends on your aspirations and your age. I assume you are on early twenties. You have plenty of time.

Going for debt so early, especially for depreciating assets like bike will set you behind financially. I think building your first 10 lakh is crucial, then you start seeing returns snowballing.

It is said that if you cannot afford something twice, then you cannot afford it. Try to save up atleast the whole amount, preferably twice the amount, then buy a budget bike.
Try to save up atleast the whole amount, preferably twice the amount, then buy a budget bike.

The problem I see with this advice that is generally given is that by the time you save that amount, there's newer and better bikes that cost even more. And also the final advice is to buy a budget bike even after saving the required amount.

So in effect the person never should buy the bike that they actually desire lol. I mean, very wise advice but I guess it depends on the person what they want to do.

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