[BG] Buying apartment with a forever loan

@east81 You can't know that for sure.
On average, yes. I visited a few new-ish building that bad cracks I could put a finger in. They were less than a decade old. I saw literal soviet era housing that was in better condition.
@east81 I don't know for sure. I opted to get a small flat w/o a mortgage rather than something bigger but with a mortgage attached so I am cruising without insurance at the moment.
@east81 Alright so make a bet then. Buy real estate and see what happens in the next few months. Real estate crashes are slow because you cant just sell houses like you sell stocks. Educate yourself
@east81 Since you actually don't know what's going on in the world I'll give you a hint. This is going to be the biggest financial crisis of all time. It may take decades to recover
@east81 2000 just for payments (doesn't include all the other maintenance you'll have to do on the house; a roof repair can cost 20k) for 30 years is a heavy bleed. Will you still be earning that much when you're 63? Would you still be able to save for your retirement + the payments + the extra costs? The market could crash when you're ready to sell and you could lose half overnight.
@deliveranceseeker I may not be earning that much when I’m 63 but when I feel the pressure, I can sell the place and get a good windfall to buy something small or rent somewhere cheaper. It sounds better then moving out with nothing to benefit from if I was to rent.

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