Beware: TD Canada Travel Insurance Falls Short on Coverage and Customer Service


New member
As a traveler who relies on insurance for peace of mind, my recent experience with TD Canada's travel insurance has left me deeply disappointed and frustrated. Despite purchasing coverage explicitly for flight interruption and cancellation, when I fell ill and was unable to travel, TD Canada's insurance provider, Global Excel, failed to honor their commitment fully.

Submitting my claim should have been a straightforward process, but instead, I encountered obstacle after obstacle. While they begrudgingly covered my medical expenses, they outright denied reimbursement for my missed flight, citing vague and arbitrary reasons that seemed to conveniently contradict the very wording of their own insurance policy.

Dealing with Global Excel proved to be an exercise in frustration. Their customer service was unhelpful and, at times, downright dismissive. It felt like they were more interested in finding reasons not to fulfill their obligations rather than genuinely assisting a customer in need.

This experience has left me questioning the integrity of TD Canada's travel insurance and their chosen provider, Global Excel. As travelers, we rely on insurance to provide a safety net during unforeseen circumstances, but when that safety net proves to be unreliable and unsupportive, it defeats the purpose entirely.

I urge fellow travelers to exercise caution when considering TD Canada's travel insurance and to thoroughly research their options before entrusting their well-being to a company that seems more interested in finding loopholes than providing genuine coverage and support.

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