Beware of N26 - Day one without access to my account

@candleleigh I had this situation with N26. But they appologized and returned access to my account, and gave 2 year free of charge subscription to N26 metal. I do not even live in Germany. And have not experienced any problem since (I guess they have whitelisted me in this routine check 😅). The reason for trigger I suspect was a cash withdrawal followed shortly after money transfer from another bank (legitim salary account).

Be polite, file a complaint to It will take time. Remember that N26 is a real bank, and has to obey to Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). So you have opportunity to involve BaFin in lack of getting support from a German bank.

+1 vote for having savings in a backup bank (or two) regardless if you are a customer of N26 or any other bank.
@candleleigh Im sorry to hear about all the issues everyone is having at N@^. I was nto aware of it until today. I am closing my account now and so are many of my friends who also used them. They really shot themselves in the foot

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