Best ZERO tax country? (0% income tax, 0% corporate tax, 0% capital gains tax, 0% wealth tax, 0% inheritance tax)

@duzt A fictional utopia from the book/movie Atlas Shrugged. Sounded like you were describing a fictional place. Good book/movie though- check it out!
@duzt So I live in Cayman, which ticks off all your boxes, but governments need money to function and they'll get it in other ways.

For instance, in Cayman there's a 22% minimum import duty on everything (more on some luxuries). And ironically, the reason we have a pure consumption tax and no income tax is because we have so many expats/retirees who are non-resident but using the majority of our services that we'd go broke if we tried to collect income tax. Also it's logistically easy to tax all imports because we have one port and one airport.

The break-even point in Cayman is probably somewhere around 200k/yr, possibly more for a family or someone living richly. I imagine you'll find the same everywhere, for anywhere you'd actually want to live.

If you're planning to earn income through entrepreneurship your lowest-tax option on the first 50M (which, honestly, is enough) is probably Florida. It's also easier to immigrate to - I have Cayman citizenship by birth, but I think it's a pretty hefty minimum investment to get residency.
@hashim Panama is on "EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes", so I think that can give me problems in the future...

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