Best way to invest 10k in U.K for return in 5 years?


New member
Question says it all. I'm a complete novice and know nothing about personal finances.

What would the best way to invest 10k with the highest return in about 5 years. Willing for a medium amount of risk but not high risk.
@justrhi Define what medium and high risk means to you. Everyone has their own interpretation of risk.

I would suggest doing a bit of reading, the Wiki is a great place to start, because one of the key things with investing is to understand what you're putting your money in and why.
@onefootinheavenoneinhell This.

Also as a novice you might be quite young so 5 years might feel like a long time. In investing terms this would be considered a relatively short term investment where you'd normally be looking at maintaining value rather than growth. 5 years is the sort of timeframe where people would be looking at low volatility options like simply holding in cash.

I'd start with the flowchart and wiki in the sidebar. Some other things that might help give you an idea of what risks means in terms of returns:

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