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As the title implies, this is a fairly straightforward question.

I'm looking to invest some money into silver.

Can you suggest some good/reliable places to purchase it?
@showdown Same difference; if Silver drops in value, the coin in your hand loses value just as much as the Silver ETC.

If you're in the end of the World prepper brigade, then there's smarter things to invest in than precious metals.

Plus Silver is way too bulky in volume, Gold is the better choice, as VAT and potentially CGT exempt.
@showdown What you're doing is not called investing.

If society collapsed to the point where silver were actually nullified, an ingot of silver won't help. Not least because without a market to trade it on it's just a shiny rock.
@resjudicata This is the correct read. If you are hedging against societal collapse then you're much better off buying prepper equipment, self defence tools and/or wilderness training.

This isn't really a sensible investment decision though.
I could see an argument for it if the country got into some sort of Venezuela like situation. To get out of Venezuela it's easiest to sort of buy your way out from some mafia or people smuggling gang and it's not easy to do that with bolivars as far as I can gather. Seems pretty unlikely here though.
@resjudicata Why would you prefer silver over gold, in that case?

If you buy gold britannias or sovereigns they're exempt from VAT and capital gains tax.

The famous prepper Ferfal, who lived through the Argentine financial crisis, recommends junk gold - like cheap chunky gold chains and shit - because you can take them to cash4gold shops and trade them in any time. Gold chains can be cut into fractions so that, in the face of massive inflation, you only cash in as much as you need right now.

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