Best personal insurance?


New member
Hey I’m looking into getting a new personal insurance for myself. What are the best options out there? I’m in Toronto if that matters
@trucker1 What type of personal insurance are you looking for? Disability, life insurance, medical, dental, critical illness? Are you supplementing insurance you currently have?
@trucker1 Any major carrier will have individual products that you can purchase. Canada Life Manulife
I consider these two companies to be the top because you can submit claims easily and get a no pressure quote online and without a broker. They’re fairly more expensive than group insurance premiums due to the increased usage and risk on an individual plan.
If you choose to use a broker to help set up and explain a plan, you can also look at Sunlife
I would caution you against any discount companies like Claim Secure as they may be attractive in pricing but you’ll fight every step of the way to get your claim assessed and paid correctly.

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