Best Paying Job for Pre-U Students


New member
Hi, sorry if this is the wrong sub to ask but basically:

I’m a 20M, just finished my Pre-U, I took IBDP as preparation to go overseas, and I’ll be pursuing my undergraduate studies in 3+ months. I live in KV, specifically the area of Dengkil

Since IB is just like A-level/Foundation, I don’t have any domain knowledge to work in a specific industry/sector like those with diploma do.

So my question is, what’s the best paying jobs for someone like me? If I work at grocers/convenience store (Village Grocer/ Mercearia Grocer/ 7E/ 99/ MyNews), how much pay should I expect? Is it the latest minimum wage of RM 1,500? And what’s the process of application like? (Sorry this is literally my first time job hunting 😓)

And would they even take someone/offer contract that can only work for 3 months?

Other option I thought of is sales, specifically the clothings/ fashion (like Padini/ H&M/ Uniqlo), for those line of work how much pay and workload should I expect? (Same applies to my first option)

But I’m unsure of the second choice because the nearest mall or outlets for those brands are 25+ minutes away from my house, and based on google maps, it’s gonna take 1-2 hrs if I rely on public transport (which is kinda my option since I don’t own a car and e-hailing prices has skyrocketed lately 🥲). So I do not know how feasible it is.

And my last choice is remote work as ghostwriter/ copy writer. I am pretty confident in my writing skills, especially for English, I scored an 8.0 in my IELTS and taking IBDP means I have solid foundation when it comes to academic writing. But I have no idea where to begin with job searching for this type of job. Any tips or guide is appreciated, also what’s the range of pay and how does it work? Is it on commission basis?

Sorry if my question is too long and if I am oversharing, any reply, general advice or point towards the right direction is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance 🙏

Additional note:
Thanks for those replying and suggested me to take on internships but as I have mentioned before, I really lack in any domain knowledge and experience in any field to do any internship because IBDP is simply like STPM where we study mix of subjects (physics, math, chem) so even though I am going to continue my study in CS, sadly I have no experience in coding so interning is out of the question for me 😅. Another thing is that I am looking for jobs just for the money, and jobs that doesn’t demand much experience (retail work/minimum wage etc). That’s why I asked the pay for workers in grocer/fashion retail. Any suggestions like F&B is also welcomed. I hope anyone with knowledge regarding the pay/process of applying can share it with me. Still, I appreciate those that have replied and upvoted this post. I apologise if I wasted your time by not mentioning earlier that I can’t do internships 🙏
@hazelhope Probably depends on OP's goal for getting the job - to gain experience or to get money. If it's money then internship probably isn't the best option (where you get paid next to nothing).
@stepcoach I think OP should stack up on experience doing intern as it would be beneficial for the long run. They should do that unless OP needs to save up money for university or personal circumstances
@hazelhope Hey! Thanks for the suggestion, but my aim currently is to just gain money. As for internship, I did not plan to go that route because: 1. Although I’d be taking a BA in Comp Sc, I do not have any coding experience whatsoever and 2. Since I’m going to study in Canada for my degree, I prefer to start doing internships after 1st/2nd year. Since Canadian Uni always have a 4 months summer break every year (that’s when I’m planning to start looking for internships + with 1-2 yrs learning experience, at least I may have enough domain knowledge to do some work). Still, thank you for the suggestion and sorry I didn’t clarify this in my post, would’ve saved you some time 😓
@sheila1945 If you are interested in coding and got free time: Spend 1-2 months learn an in demand language and framework such as ReactJS. Then go Freelance for small jobs.
I learned HTML, JavaScript and PHP and started working freelance at 16. Got me through school and into Uni.
@chris9900 I do have some plans on that, but maybe not within the 3-month window before I continue my degree because I want to focus on getting money and healing myself (mental health goes yeet during pre-U). I watched a few vids and read some forums on whether or not coding experience/skills are required for the degree/uni I’m going to and all of them said none is needed as usually they don’t expect us to have any experience, just need to be good in maths n can get good grasp of the technicalities. But I still appreciate your advise, but I think I need to prioritise my mental health first so I can go through my undergrad studies better.
@sheila1945 U can go for internship for any tech position if u are thinking to pursue tech field.

I personally went to work as customer service call centre after F6, got average RM3k per month 10y ago. Not sure whats the rate now but call centre job pays quite well and has quite low entry requirement.

If u are sales person u can always pick up telesales job, it pays better as it comes in commission base,

Remote work/copywriter/ghost writer u can always go for freelancing site/fb to look for jobs. Or u can start urself by starting some blog/ig page.
@fanymv Bloody what? My younger brother works at Hong Leong Bank call centre in KL, requires a diploma, at 2,600 per month. Salary trend not stonks
@sheila1945 Just wanna say that customer service call it usually work on shifts, although depends on company too.

Also must be hati kental, and tahan kena marah dengan customer 😂 because that is basically what you end up getting. Hati tisu don't apply.
@sheila1945 Average 3k la hahahahh. Some months has extra pay for covering shift on public holiday, some days has extra OT pay. Permenant employees can get up to 4-5k if not mistaken.

Application was like any other job. 1 round of computer screening where u have to attend an onsite IQ test. Passed then will go for a HR screening interview, passed then only technical assessment with team lead from call centre team to decide which team u r suitablem

Yes u need CV. Prep urself like its interview for proper job. Dress decent, talk decent.
@fanymv Hey! I’m about to finish my F6. Curious about call centres. Are there options to do it remotely or you have to be at the office in person?
Adding on that, since it’s going to be temporary (3-5 months) before university intake starts. Will they look to hire?
@julia13 My time was pre-covid and going on-site is a must as u nid to go thru trainings and stuff. Not sure whats the policy post-covid as during covid alot of employees are allowed to work from home.

I managed to find a 3-month contract call centre job as they were promoting some special launch of product. By the time my contract ended there are 3 months more to uni, so i talked to HR and got the manager's interest and joined HR for another 3months.

One immoral trick i might share is u can say that u are not planning to go for full time studies when going for interview, but once u gotten offer then maybe u can talk to ur manager to talk about the exit or something. U will need to learn how to nego and talk things into what u wan
@fanymv Thank you! That makes sense now. I was wondering if they were willing to hire someone for a short amount of time as it takes time to train a new employee. I’ll do my diligence to sort out something later.

That’s a good heads up. I’ll keep that in mind and see if situation calls for it. My previous job experience before starting F6 (pre-covid) has given me experience on negotiating as my pay was just being delayed for weeks rolling over to the next month and they were being extremely unreasonable
@julia13 Enjoy ur gap time! go and do something u love or wanting to try. start a new business, go into a new venture, or something u've wanted to try. all the best!!
@sheila1945 i worked a few job after my pre-u, if you dont have flexible time, try jobs in a mall, otherwise jobs in convenient store would want younger workers to work overtime and nightshifts.As for payment, expect minimum Rm6 perhour for part time

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