Best options for a pre-nup?


New member
I know that we have legal services on post but let’s be honest if they were the best option they probably wouldn’t be in the army. Yeah hat are the best recommendations for where to go for getting a pre-nup? And yes I understand “iF yOu lOvE eAcH oThEr wHy aRe YoU pLanNiNg fOr a PoTeNtIaL dIvOrCe”… it’s cause I don’t wanna get boned by the law and army. Ya know we plan contingencies in our missions im doing it to my life. But any help would be greatly appreciated.
@woedude "... If they were the best option they probably wouldn't be in the Army."

So, I'm going to just give a little career advice: check your attitude, especially if you're asking for help. As a physician I can tell you I work with top grads in both medicine and legal (there's a surprising amount of overlap). People come in from the academy, ROTC, loan repayment, or even just an actual honest desire to serve. Id caution you against making such snarky assumptions in the future.

But to answer your actual question, yes, base legal is absolutely qualified to do a pre-nup. It's a simple document that is standardized, so you don't need Perry Mason to fill one out. Most people, especially on this forum, will tell you that a pre-nup is a smart decision and support that 100%
@woedude you should look into a Post-Nup. pre-nup only protects what you have before the marriage, anything after is fair game. Post will protect assets you acquire after the marriage (probably most of them). Jus Sayin'

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