Best EU BANK account for citizen that is traveling around EU

@fcs2525 Pros:

- no fees if you have an income of 700 Euros or more

- Apple- and Google-pay available

- I had good costumer service experiences;

I'm using DKB since 2014 and have been in contact with customer-service twice and both cases went pretty smooth.


- It can be a pain to find an ATM that has some kind of partnership with DKB to withdraw cash without fees. You will have to check at the ATM and it will show you if there is a service-fee before you withdraw.

- App translation to English could be improved.

- The free bankcard will be Visa-Debit which is not so common in some countries;

I'm living in Austria and we don't have a single local bank offering Visa-Debit. - I had the issue twice that Visa-Debit was not accepted. The first issue was with KFC; Visa debit did not work with Google-Pay, it took me some time until i found out it works when I just use the physical card. - This was a couple of years ago, has already been fixed and only happened in Austria (Czech Republic and Hungary was fine). The second issue was with Wiener Bäder (Vienna's Public swimming pools). - Happened last summer, has not been fixed yet and workaround with using the physical card also did not work.
@zabu bunq has been definitely going sideways. I have tried them out and really love the features but the updates and the bugs in the app make it unusable at times.
@kalmar1967 My boycott of Bunq comes for an employee satisfaction/exploitation perspective. I know some people that work there..

Fair play to Ali though, he’s done nothing illegal and made a very, very successful business 👍
@zabu I know people who run N26 and I hate them, I think they were very cocky when they started out and it hasn't panned out to be the revolution they thought it would be (surprise!), but the account has been useful at times.
Revolut being the one I would choose. I know it goes against what you said but unless you hold a ginormous amount of money on your bank account, the best bet is to diversify with the banks I mentioned and not worry much about all the fuss around them blocking people (just follow their rules). Never had a single problem with all the 3 banks I mentioned.
@kalmar1967 Even in everyday life I think diversification is always a good idea. If you lose your card or the bank has one of those once in a while (and sometimes major) outages like TSB in the UK it's not really a drama for you, you just move cash between your digital wallets.
@kalmar1967 Sure choose Revolut if you want to lose access to your own money. Check the sub with tons of people getting locked out "for security checks" for 14 days or even longer
@dorathea Definitely heard of these, for this reason I was suggesting to diversify with other digital banks. You get the perks of being flexible and you distribute the risk.
@kalmar1967 I personally find unacceptable for a bank to lock you out of your own money while they do "security checks". That's some Mickey mouse 🤡. Until I read the Revolut sub I haven't heard or experienced a bank locking accounts randomly for "security checks".
@dorathea N26 does this, bunq does this. Considering that they have a plethora of customers that can open the bank account and perform all sorts of activities that could go against the law, they are very aggressive towards punishing people that misbehave (or they think they misbehave). Normal banks need to check all the transactions too but since they make account opening more restrictive (on average) they seem to “trust” their customers more.

I am 100% with you about getting your account blocked being unacceptable but I also understand Revolut’s perspective. The amount of illegal stuff going on, on Revolut accounts, it’s pretty high.

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