Best ETF/Mutual fund for TSFA


New member
Hi guys,

Really new into this investment stuff. Recently started a good paying job $100k plus. I currently don't have anything put away for retirement. I have a company pension I will collect at 60-61 area and now at 40.

I been reading saying to max out TSFA first before investing into RRSP.

So my question is what's the best ETF to buy. I am using TD Bank TSFA. I don't mind Risk and looking for max reward. I can currently invest about $1000 month.

I have about 20 years to invest and supplement my company pension so I can't retire

I would like to have diversity Canada USA and Foreign markets.

I know VOO/VFV is supposed to be good but how would you set up $1000 month of you were in my shoes.

I also have a company stock program that I invest 6% and the company gives me 35% matching which needs to be held for 1 year before I can re-invest or withdraw the money. CNR stocks. This works out to approx $7000 my contribution $2400 matching. I assume it's best to hold for the year, and transfer the $9500-10,000 from the CNR stocks into a higher return ETF etc to reach my goals.
@starchysocks I would follow the steps as outlined on the CPM blog.

The simplest approach are the Asset Allocation ETF's, which are low coast, broadly diversified and self-rebalancing.

100% equities: XEQT/VEQT

80% equities/20% bonds: XGRO/VGRO

60/40: XBAL/VBAL

check out the r/PersonalFinanceCanada money steps as well

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