Best app or trading account for S&P 500

@edgemon03 If your plan is to keep the amount invested long term, why not consider a free GIA account on freetrade? You can still buy VUAG and over the longer term, I'd guess you're still likely to profit rather than pay £5.99 each month (I use a GIA and that's what I'm betting on at least).

Partial shares yes, you can't do that on free trade with a GIA, I just checked

Edit: I've just stumbled onto the amazing resource that is UKPF Wiki, and it is making me rethink my choice (and suggestion) to use a GIA
@edgemon03 Just remember that you have 3 charges involved in any investment

1/ the platform fee - just holding investments will cost a % (0.25% to 0.45%) or fixed fee on total value held, some have limits on charges (mainly for the top end)

2/ dealing fee - the cost of buying and selling, range from free to £11.95, some differ if a fund/OIEC or ETF (treated as a share)

3/ investment fee - the cost of holding from an investment provider eg iShares, Vanguard say 0.09% to 0.25% (don't pay more than 0.4% for any tracker as plenty of good cheap ones exist)

ISA would be best for long term as all gains are tax free.

Good luck!
@nt333 Thank you for this. So say I put £70 per month into H&L, for example, with a view of buying VUAG each month, will I have to pay the £11.95 each time.

Appreciate everyone’s help 🙏🏻

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