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For reference, this isn't for me. This is for my childhood friend (K) and his mom, of whom I cannot help myself as they live several states away in Oregon. I'm trying to save up money to help them, they're essentially my family.

Some background: K's mom has health issues, and receives government assistance, but only around i think it was $900 a month, as well as EBT (idk how much). They were living in an RV in an RV park with K's mom's (now ex) bf, H, and several pets. H has been paying the rent for the spot in the rv park. As of late, they've been having a lot of issues with H, and yesterday was sort of the tipping point.

Yesterday, H kinda up and left them. He blocked both K and mom on all social medias, the only way they were able to figure out what happened was through one of H's friends. Supposedly, H signed over the RV to one of his friends, but we don't know how true this is. I told them their best bet is to start looking into potentially Oregon's Section 8 vouchers, because H started saying things that were implying that if he kicked them out of the RV there is nothing they can do.

Apparently, H filed a restraining order against K's mom, for a reason im not sure. He also told them they had to leave immediately. They don't really have any family who can help with the pets, they're worried they'll have to get rid of all but two cats. I believe they have 3 cats and two dogs.

K desperately wants to get a job, but can't as he doesn't have an ID yet, and without H they have no car and nowhere to go.

Where can they go from here? Is there anything I can do to help, despite being several states away and broke?
@jodys82 I found this in my digging, I didn't read it thoroughly but it covers RV tenancy laws in Oregon to help you see if anything in there pertains to their situation.

Your friend may qualify for free ID in Oregon:
(b) The applicant submits a Determination of Homelessness form (DMV form 735-7183) that was completed by a nonprofit organization described in section (8) of this rule or a state agency as defined in ORS 807.410 and described in section (9) of this rule. To qualify for a free identification card, the form must be submitted to DMV within 60 days of being signed by a representative of a nonprofit organization or state agency, along with an application for issuance of an identification card.

So he needs to find someone at an advocacy that can help him with that, since he's homeless in that regard.

Oregon has a lot of services, they are in an optimal state to have this awful stuff happen to them (that feels so nasty to say but I hope you understand what I mean by it!).

They should contact 211 and talk to their local homeless outreach for help relocating. Talk to a woman's shelter in the area, since it involves his disabled mother.
@jodys82 I'm just another Oregonian, who grew up rural, where this was sadly not an unheard of scenario. I had friends living in camp trailers on various plots of lands, sometimes not RV park related.

This is also the reason you gotta get out of those areas but with a disabled mother, that makes it next to impossible. So my heart goes out to your friend and his mom. Those rural areas have churches, they should talk to any and all of them nearby to see if they can get any kind of help that way as well.
@jodys82 With the local church or church in general? If it's the local church, that's reasonable to shy away from it.

She's an adult, not a child anymore. Which is when most of us have our church trauma. Take what they have to give, roll your eyes upward for their preaching if they want to give you some of that too. And take their resources. It's better than living in a tent somewhere.

I hate organized religion, despite my spiritual beliefs. So I understand her on a very real level. But it's one of those "take from the rich and give the poor" scenarios. Play your own live action Robin Hood and get the money or place to live, etc. You don't have to subscribe to their shit to reap the reward.
@jodys82 Encourage them as much as you can. The small town churches vary so drastically. Some can kick rocks. Others are just good people who want to be able to help others.

Those churches are also usually networked with other communities. I know the Lutheran church back home shared a pastor with another community across the hill. That guy sucks. But their congregation has a lot of my friends involved who roll their eyes at him, while being the ones who comfort the older ones who have LGBTQ family members who found out the loud way that my friends don't play. You get my point!

Remind her that unless she knows the cowards are the same old flock, there's usually "A new sheriff in town" in those situations!
@jodys82 They almost certainly do not have to leave immediately. Their state & city laws would control the eviction process. They would need to be provide proper notice and would very likely have at least 30 days before they would be forced to leave.

K's mom should reach out to her local community action agency to ask for housing assistance. Hopefully they are in an area with some homeless division programs that can help; but realistically most of Oregon has way too much demand and way too little supply to expect that in most areas. Section 8 should be K's moms long term goal but multi-year waiting lists should be expected first.

As for the pets 3 cats and 2 dogs is simply too many for almost every program & shelter. Even if they could afford a rental very few places would accept that number of pets. They have to get down to 1-2 animals to have a decent shot at most housing programs

K desperately wants to get a job, but can't as he doesn't have an ID yet,

If K becomes homeless they should qualify for a free Oregon ID if a non-profit agency can give them a referral. Birth certificate copies can also be gotten for free as well with a waiver.

How old is K? If under 24 then Job Corps can provide housing, job training, education, and many other services for them. Otherwise they need some other vocational training program or job placement help to be able to independently support themselves.
@jodys82 I think they should speak to the landlord/PM of the RV park. Unless H is the landlord, I do not believe he (or his friend) would have the right to evict them. Even if they do, they have to actually evict them. Eviction is not "I'm kicking you out, right now!". H would also need permission from the landlord to "sign over" his lease to a random friend. It's possible the landlord has been lied to or not informed about the situation (H may have claimed they all vacated, for example) and has no interest in kicking them out or in giving the RV space to some friend. Especially if you don't know how true the claim is. H's word is likely not reliable and also doesn't hold legal weight (even if he HAS legal power here - he has to follow the law on proper notice and such). If he signed it over, then it would be up to his friend, who still also has to actually follow the law and likewise may or may not have any power depending on who owns the RV/the park/etc.

They should NOT leave the RV unless H is an actual danger to their safety until they get proper legal notice of an eviction - which I doubt H is in a position to actually be able to serve, unless he's the landlord.
@jodys82 If that were true then there would be something other than just H saying it was so. If H wants them to leave and has the legal power to force them out, cops/lawyer would be involved. A restraining order also isn't an eviction notice.
@kauri i mean they were served the restraining order ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯ They also found out H had been setting this up for weeks

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