@inutah You can ask the property manager to just handle everything and bill you without contacting you. We’ve said anything lower than $1k just do it. Any emergency or higher money needed, then obviously ask us via email first.

They haven’t contacted us in four years. I just receive the invoices to email. I’ve never spoken to them over the phone. It’s as hands off as you can get. You decide your own level of involvement.
@inutah 🤣 Been there. Sell the lot, buy your own place so you’re off the rental market and own an appreciating asset and bank however much you need to offset your own mortgage and reduce interest.
@inutah You know you can find different property managers, right? If your current ones suck, find a new one.

I speak with my PM maybe once every 6 months. I sometimes forget that I own an IP.
@inutah Noise complaints are a police matter unless it’s in a strata or community titled corporation. Don’t make it your problem.

Illegal drugs are also a police matter.

Tenants throwing parties isn’t an issue unless it’s causing damage to the property.

Tenants loosing remotes should be on charged.

The maintenance items you’ve mentioned like tiling and burst water pipes are unfortunate but should be covered under insurance.

I have a number of investment properties as well and can relate all to well to the things you’ve mentioned. But they’re only really issues if you let them be issues.
@diannna Noise complaints, parties and drugs became an annoying issue for us when the neighbours somehow found us and sent us video footage.

Do you just approve all maintenance requests?
@inutah I’d just ask the neighbours to leave me alone and call the police. You’re not their dad. You do t have any authority over how your tenants behave.

It depends on the maintenance request. I do a lot of my maintenance myself. But otherwise things like a loose door knob, as long as it’s still functional I’d add to a list and when there are enough jobs to make it worthwhile I’d send a handy man.

Take your foot off the pedal. It doesn’t have to be hard. Just make sure you’re insured and draw the line on what you’re actually responsible for.
@wheelgirl Good question, I never asked the neighbours how they found us.

These tenants forged all of their bank statements, university qualifications, screen shots of their bank balance. They even photoshopped an invoice for a bond clean that never happened.
These tenants forged all of their bank statements, university qualifications, screen shots of their bank balance. They even photoshopped an invoice for a bond clean that never happened.

How did you find out these were forgeries?

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