Beginner US Treasury Question F1 Resident Alien


New member
Hi everyone,

I am an F1 student but after 5 years I have resident alien status and I regularly invest in treasury bills. With the interest rates at its current peak, I would like to buy long term treasury notes/bonds but I am worried if that would be a problem when my visa expires in a few years. My home country is Turkey so if I cannot find a job post graduation I will return my home country. So basically I am interested in

1) understanding is it possible to "transfer" treasury bills to another country.

2) I know that I have the option to sell them before maturity but wouldn't that be too much of a risk financially?
@blueb7 Why are you concerned with keeping them if you moved back to Turkey? Lots of NRAs own and invest in US treasury bills, the interest is exempt from US tax and is also non-US situs for estate taxes.

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