
New member
Hello, according to Irish revenue:https://www.revenue.ie/en/gains-gifts-and-inheritance/transfering-an-asset/what-is-exempt-from-cgt.aspx#:~:text=Each%20tax%20year%2C%20the%20first,your%20spouse%20or%20civil%20partner.

Each tax year, the first €1,270 of your gain or gains (after deducting losses) are exempt from CGT

As many of you I was wondering how a legit strategy of Bed and Breakfast would work. Does anyone knows (for sure) how long should be the interval between sell and rebuy?

I searched the answer on Google but I only got more confused, some says that you can rebuy immediately, others says that you have to wait 30 days. I know that in UK is 30 days (since 1998) but i wasn't able to find a reliable source for Irish investors.

I opened an enquiry in myAccount on revenue.ie about this few weeks ago but i didn't received a reply.

I also searched in this sub for an answer but i only found contrasting opinion not backed by sources. Could anyone point a reliable source (preferably from revenue official site or the govern) that precisely describe what is a legit BnB operation in Ireland?


@wobert gave the correct answer

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