Basement flooded


New member
So my basement flooded and a lot of things were destroyed. Sectional, two recliners, two sets of washers and dryers, freezer, snes, og Xbox... Etc. Some of the things won't be able to be replaced. Will they insurance company send a cheque for everything or how does it work? I'm completely frazzled and upset. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Happened the 23rd. Merry Christmas 😅
@resjudicata Yeah we have tenant insurance. It was a pipe that burst in the old pmq we live in. It happened on the main floor. Flooded the basement a foot and a half and had a nice size lake on the main floor
@cluper93 In that case if you have protection for above ground water damage it should be covered, if you have replacement cost; they will be replaced with new contents.

Not too sure if they will send the check first or not

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