Baillie Gifford American Share Class A v B


New member
Hi all

Just on HL
Can anyone explain the difference between :
baillie Gifford class B accum
baillie Gifford inclusive class A accum

I know the difference between income and accum shares but not sure about diff classes within accum
@philjo Essentially no difference at the end as there is a rebate on inclusive/dirty classes but to summarise from the HL website:

In the past most investors who held funds, such as unit trusts and OEICs, paid a single ongoing charge to the manager of their chosen funds. This charge often included an element of commission which the fund manager shared with brokers, such as Hargreaves Lansdown, to help pay for their service. We call these funds 'inclusive' funds.

FCA rule changes mean that when investors purchase a fund any commission must be rebated to the investor. As a result of these rules, fund management groups have launched new versions of their funds, often with lower ongoing charges, which do not include any commission. We call these funds 'unbundled' funds.

Just pick the unbundled/clean class.

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