Average Tax Burden by State


New member
This graphic appeared in my news feed. It reports the average state and local tax burden by state. State and local tax burden is defined as property tax + state income tax + sale / excise tax. The numbers for each of these components is at https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-highest-lowest-tax-burden/20494 .

What is your tax burden?

I live in CA, in 2023 my totals were:
  • Federal Income Tax -- 16.7% of AGI
  • Property Tax -- 7.4% of AGI
  • State Income Tax -- 5.9% of AGI
  • Social Security -- 5.8% of AGI
  • Medicare -- 1.4% of AGI
  • Sales Tax -- ~1% of AGI
  • Local Income Tax -- 0.8% of AGI
  • Total State + Local Tax = 15% of AGI
  • Total Fed + State + Local Tax = 32% of AGI
  • Total Tax + SS/Med = 39% of AGI
@heat578117 That stood out as odd to me to.

Illinois has higher income tax (4.95% vs 3.15%) but lower sales tax (6.25% vs 7%).

Property tax rates will vary, but a quick search says Illinois averages 2.08% vs Indiana's 0.84% which is significant.

Maybe more people rent in Illinois? 😂
@sdrago35 What?! Prizker has been the best governor we’ve had in decades. Our credit rating has jumped nine times in four years from junk to A status, we are paying down our pension obligations, and are leading the way on ensuring women’s healthcare isn’t criminalized by being a safe haven from other midwestern states.

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