Auto ON how long does a denial stay on record?


New member
As the title.

Insurance denied due to vehicle horsepower than new company says "you were denied previously". F me I wasn't denied the vehicle was denied because they don't insure that type of vehicle, how does that make any sense.

Curious how long this stays on record now that I'm "denied".
@dan1958 That doesn't make sense. Were you denied for material misrepresentation? Like you lied about the vehicle? Being denied insurance because a vehicle cannot be insured isn't going to show up in your history. Material misrep, non disclosure, non payment will
@godzillla No I simply called to enquire how much it would be to insure my new vehicle. They said we can't insure that vehicle.

Then the next company needed to override due to my denial that just occured. I was kind of furious...
@dan1958 As other people said, this doesn’t really make sense. For one, different insurers have different underwriting rules. What one company would deny, another might not. And I don’t see how it would be reported anywhere as insurers pull an Autoplus report to see claims and insurance details, but if you weren’t insured with the company that denied you then they’re not reporting that to Autoplus - a cancellation once you’re on risk with an insurer would show up but that’s different circumstances.

Are prospective insurers asking if you’ve been denied and you’re volunteering this info? For something like vehicle horsepower I don’t think it matters. Not all insurers care or would even ask.
@sovereignone I was insured with the denying company though for my other vehicles.

It was through a broker maybe it was just the broker volunteering the information to the new company?
@dan1958 No. The vehicle is the red flag. They don't want it. Everytime you quote with this vehicle it'll be the same story. It'll require referral and a specialty (expensive) insurance. Get yourself a regular car lol
@godzillla Nothing special about it. The company I was with just do not insure anything but grannie mobiles I guess. I got many companies to give me quotes all under $2k for full coverages so pretty good.
@dan1958 You're not understanding what they're telling you. The vehicle will have to be referred because of the HP. Likely it'll have to go to a specialty insurance company because no one will want to insure it if it's too high because it's considered more risk. Especially if you're a young driver. This will always be an issue when trying to insure this vehicle. Its not the denial of insurance you received while calling for a quote. Its the vehicle itself being outside of something a regular insurance company would want to take on. Mentally prepare yourself for this to be expensive as well.

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